New month & I’ve got some thoughts, as per usualllll.
I was recently reminded of a mental health practice/trick I used to do religiously a few years back in which if I was generally feeling “blah” in a nothing is terrible, but nothing is also great either, I would ask myself, “if this is as good as my life gets…what now"?”
It works as a reminder that sometimes, we are currently living the life we prayed and manifested for 2-3 years ago or that our “normal” life is someone’s manifestation. The way when tourists visit your city, they see your landmarks with magic vs. how you’ve grown immune to their charm and walk past on autopilot. If for no other reason, it is always nice to have friends visit your city or hometown because they bring a perspective you’ve lost.
However, recently, when I started asking myself, “if this is as good as my life gets…what now"?” it became a lot easier to see what I wanted to manifest or what changes I wanted to make in my life. Ask any stranger on the street or close friend randomly what they want to manifest, and they’ll either tell you about immense wealth or a grand love; while both are great when you take it back a few notches, you see the small changes your soul and intuition are actually pulling you to make.
“If this is as good as my life gets…what now"?”
I want to start eating more veggies and greens
I want to improve my daily physical health routine
I want to start meditating or journaling
I want to meet more new people
I want to begin x hobby
I want to start x creative project
I want to call x person I haven’t spoken to in the last few months
You get the point.
When we dial it back to “OK, so this could be it for my life, this could be my next 50-60 years, now what?” Where would I want to make changes to ensure that my every day was the most satisfying for me, even if nothing would change? In reality, so much does change, and this probably won’t be it, but what would really matter to you if it was?
The big dreams and goals and manifestations are all great and important for us to have a bigger picture, the general direction we want to move, but it is important to not get lost in the grandness of this distant (maybe not so distant) future that your everyday life becomes lost, paralyzed or on autopilot as you wait for the Universe to bring it all in. Because what might happen then is that it arrives and then becomes just as dull in comparison because it’ll become your everyday, and the glitz and glam of it will wear off. Then, not too long after, you’ll be manifesting a trip to Mars, becoming a billionaire, etc.
It’s like the 1969 song “Is That All There Is?” by Peggy Lee, in which she sings
Is that all there is?
If that's all there is my friends
Then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all there is
The idea is that of enjoying what it is now.
Our big dreams should not take away from the beauty and pleasure of our everyday. The small moments, the small changes that become our patterns and habits that we carry forward. Enjoying the everyday, even at its most humble, will ensure that your everyday at your grandest will still keep the glitz and glam. Small desires and changes let us move from a place of gratitude and fulfillment without feeling like we are missing out on that something big. P.S. That "something big" is your everyday life!
It allows your manifestations to move from a grounded place. So, if this is as good as your life gets…what now? What small change would you make? What emotion do you feel?
xx mia